화학물질을 취급하는 경우 불침투성 고무장갑이나 보호의 등 개인용 보호구를 착용하고, 직접 손으로 만지거나 피부에 닿지 않도록 주의합니다.
Wear personal protective gear such as non-permeable rubber gloves or protective clothes when handling chemical substances, and do not touch the substances with the bare hands, or let them contact the skin.
ในกรณีที่ต้องสัมผัสสารเคมีควรสวมถุงมือป้องกันสารเคมีหรือชุดอุปกรณ์ป้องกันส่วนตัว ไม่ควรสัมผัสสารเคมีด้วยมือเปล่าและระวังอย่าให้สารเคมีถูกผิวหนัง
공기중으로 발생하는 화학 물질의 양을 최소화하도록 환기 장치를 설치하고, 가동한 상태에서 작업합니다.
Local venting apparatus shall be installed and operated to minimize quantity of airbornchemical substances.
สารเคมีอันตรายควรเก็บในปริมาณที่น้อยที่สุดไว้ในที่ระบายอากาศได้ดี และควรใช้สารเคมีที่อยู่ในสภาพที่ใช้งานได้ตามปกติ
화학물질의 유해, 위험성과 취급상의 주의사항에 대한 교육을 받은 후 작업을 실시합니다.
Work shall be started only after receiving instruction on the harm and risks and precautions of handling chemical substances.
ควรทำความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับข้อมูลโทษของสารเคมี, อันตรายและข้อควรระวังต่าง ๆ ของสารเคมีก่อนเริ่มใช้งาน
취급하는 화학 물질에 적합한 호흡용 보호구를 착용하고 작업합니다.
Protective gear appropriate for respiration shall be worn when handling chemical substances.
화학 물질 취급 작업장 내부에서 음료 또는 음식물을 섭취하거나 흡연을 하여서는 안 됩니다.
Never ingest beverage or food, or smoke within work place when handling chemical substances
작업장에 배치되기 전과 후에 건강진단을 받습니다.
Health inspection shall be provided to workers before they are assigned to jobs, and regular health inspections thereafter.
작업에 의한 질병으로 의심되는 증상이 생긴 경우 즉시 병원에 가거나 인근 이주 노동자 지원센터에 가서 상담합니다.
Upon detecting symptoms likely to cause occupational diseases, immediately see a physician, or consult with local foreigner worker support center.