종아리 Calf น่อง
1. 의자를 잡고 왼쪽 다리를 뒤로 뻗어요.
Place your left foot behind your right foot.
2. 왼쪽 무릎을 곧게 펴고 천천히 오른쪽 다리를 구부려요.
Slowly bend your right leg forward, keeping your left knee straight and your left heel on the floor.
ยืดเข่าซ้ายให้ตึงแล้วค่อย ๆ งอเข่าขวา
허벅지 Thigh ต้นขา
1. 의자를 잡고 서서 왼쪽 다리를 손으로 잡고 서요.
Stand up straight, placing your right hand on a desk for stability.
2. 손으로 잡은 왼쪽 다리를 위로 뻗어요.
Grab your left ankle and bring it up toward your buttocks.
어깨 Shoulder ไหล่
1. 오른팔을 펴서 왼쪽 어깨 쪽으로 돌려요.
Stretch your right arm.
2. 왼손으로 오른쪽 팔꿈치를 잡아요.
Lift your elbow and stretch it across your chest.
옆구리 Side ข้างลำตัว
1. 양손은 깍지를 끼고 팔을 머리 위로 올려요.
Clasp your hands and lift them over your head.
ประสานสองมือเข้าด้วยกัน แล้วยกแขนขึ้นเหนือหัว
2. 몸을 옆으로 구부려요.
Keeping a tight grip on your clasped hands, slowly lean out and lower your torso to one side.
ค่อย ๆ เอนไปด้านข้างลำตัว
팔 Arm แขน
1. 오른팔을 구부려서 머리 뒤로 넘겨요.
Lift your right arm and bend it behind your head.
2. 왼손으로 오른팔의 팔꿈치를 아래로 밀어요.
Place your left arm on the bend elbow to help stretch your upper arm and shoulder.
목 Neck คอ
1. 양손은 깍지를 껴서 머리 뒤를 잡아요.
Interlock your fingers and bring both palms to the back of your head.
2. 상체를 숙이지 않고 머리를 당겨요.
Sitting with a tall spine, begin to gently press your hands down toward your thighs, tucking your chin into your chest.